Alphabet Gratitude Challenge

This was not my own idea. I received this challenge from a friend and mentor. I accepted the challenge because it forces me to sit down and write. The idea is to create a list of people, places, and things that I am grateful for using the alphabet to spur thinking. So here goes.gratitude

A – Adventure! I am grateful to be on this work-from-home, entrepreneurial adventure.

B – Beauty! I am grateful for the beauty of the mountains all around me.

C – Courage! I am grateful for the courage that is gifted to me to live each day to the fullest and to write about my experiences.

D – Doubt! I am grateful for the self-doubt that has plagued me for years which I have had to work with and through to get to where I am now.

E – Evocator! I am grateful for the evocation to write this list.

F – Fledgling! In many ways I feel that my tutoring business is still in its fledgling stage and I am grateful for that.

G – God! I am grateful to have a spiritual connection to a higher power whom I choose to call God.

H – Happy! I am grateful to feel happy in my life today.

I – Innovation! I am grateful for my ability to innovate new ways to reach students in our lessons.

J – Joanne! I am grateful for Joanne Kaminisky, the master behind the Ultimate Support Group for Online Tutors.

K – Knowledge! I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained in my lifetime and for the ability to share it with others.

L – Love! I am grateful for the love of my family especially my children and grandchild. I am also grateful for the ability to love the people, places, and things that bring me joy and happiness.

M – Mountains! I am grateful for the mountains and mountain fresh air.

N – Needs! I have learned that unmet needs can spell disaster for me and for everyone around me. I am grateful for the ability to recognize my needs and to make sure they get met in healthy and productive ways.

O – Opinions! I am grateful to live in a country where people can freely express widely divergent opinions.

P – Puppies! While my dogs are no longer puppies, I still call them that, and I am grateful to my puppies for making me get outside to walk every day.

Q – Quartz! I am grateful for beautiful Rose Quartz crystals that inspire my sense of wonder and remind me to tend to my heart.

R – Roses! I am grateful that roses bloom year round where I live because they are my favorite flower and they remind me of my grandparents’ home.

S – Senses! I am grateful to have healthy senses to experience all the amazing sights, smells, sounds, touches, and tastes in the world.

T – Thanks! I am grateful for the ability to give thanks for all the blessings I have received.

U – Umbrellas! I am grateful for the umbrella that provides shade on beach days.

V – Vote! I am grateful for the privilege and responsibility to vote in the upcoming election.

W – Water! I am grateful for clean drinking water.

X – Xenophile! I am grateful to be a xenophile. This quality has enabled me to travel to exotic lands, meet fascinating people, and overcome picky eating habits.

Y – You! I am grateful for you, that you stayed with this post all the way to the end.

Z – Zebras! Have you ever seen a heard of zebras in the wild? I have. I am grateful to have had that experience.

So, here it is, my list of people, places, and things that I am grateful for today. Thank you, Joanne, for inspiring me to write this challenge. I completed it in under an hour. The effect it has on my mood is amazing. I feel happy, uplifted, and ready to take on the world for today. I encourage you to join this bandwagon. Our world needs more people to take positive action in their own lives and communities.

Signing off until next time!


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